The longing for an encounter that can change your life...

A prayer house, a worship center, an atelier for your heart

In July 2014 I had to fly back to Argentina. A brother asked me: "Horacio, what are you going to do in september when you come back to Germany?" The anwser came so fast: "I want to start a prophetic prayer group..."

And  Treffpunkt Gottes was born as a practical and didactical prophetic expression of the prophetic ministry Quelle der Gnade (Spring of grace). With basis on Nürnberg but activ all over Germany.  So we started a little Prayerhouse in the south of the city and there could prayer, worship and creativity really flow.
                                                                  Treffpunkt Gottes
 is a prophetic prayer group that  does not depend on any religious institution or organisation.

Prophetic Street Action in Nürnberg

We were present in the international conference "Awakening Europe" in July 2015. On saturday 11th. we "moved" a throne through the Nürnberg ´´ s down town. We built up a large throne with styropor and silicon and we invited the people to have seat on the throne with the argument "we all can be a child of the King"


Everybody wanted to sit there and to take a "selfie" But once the were there we explained: "Only Jesus is worthy to sit on the throne of our lives."

One minute on the throne, next minute out from the throne. We offered prophetic prayer to the people and all they accepted! We had the chance to pray for more than 180 people in Nürnberg. Thank you Jesus it was really great...


Another prophetic action in Nürnberg

2nd. Prophets Meeting in Nürnberg and again a prophetic action on prayer for the city. It was really cold, but it was worth. After the action we joined in our rooms to celebrate, to praise God and to have communion with warm chocolate and pies... Thank you Jesus

The construction of the throne...