I saw a vision about Reformation, the past reformation and about the new reformation that is to come. God shown me the church in shadows represented by the buildings of the different cathedrals. Suddenly a thunderbolt crossed the dark sky and the hands of the Father set a sheperd´s croook on the earth. A rainbow separated the sky into two different areas and the Holy Spirit appeared like a dove in the middle of that scene. In the new restoration of all things God will beginn with the pastoral ministry. Then the apostolic and the prophetic ministries as well, in order to serve in the real dimension they are supposed to do. The evangelistic logistic will be transformed and the teachers will set appart the wheed from demonic postmodernismus from the healing teaching of the thruth. The new reformation starts with a renewal of the fifth ministries mentioned in Ephesians 4:11-16. wich have the goal of training the saints for the work of the ministry, so they all can assume his role. The today´s format of services need to be finished...