Our team

 Since March 2014 our ministry is active throughout the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. From north to south and from east to west God has drawn a spiritual net that grows steady nourished by friendship and personal appreciation. Love is a principle that is nourished by bonds.

Practical proposals

Does God inspire art or us? Both things...

He inspires us through art and art through us. This is not a play on words, but a reality. Therefore, there is no better city than Nuremberg and there is no better time for the region than now. Art is a language - just like prophecy, and  Gott inspiriert kUNSt functions since may 2015 as a school of prophetic art. What is the objetive? The training of those brothers who have an artistic inclination; the formation of those who are interested in prophecy and prophetic gifts - Communion and inspiration can give space to something new when at the same time biblical teaching is provided in a lively environment, while at the same time real art techniques are imparted. Is there more than 10 potential participants in your church or house group? Then it is possible to start the workshop in your city!

The longing for an encounter that can change life...

In July 2014 I had to fly back to Argentina. Someone then asked me: "Horacio, what are you going to do when you return to Germany in September?" The response was quick: "I want to start a prophetic prayer group ..."