Equipping a new generation

Who we are

Springs of Grace is an international Prophetic Ministry founded by Horacio Marcelo Valera in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since March 2014 it is also operating in Germany as well as in German-speaking countries.


We serve since 1990 in edification, exhortation and consolation in the Body of Jesus Christ and we share under prophetic anointing biblical teaching and prophetic ministry in many congregations in Argentina and also in other nations of the world.



What we promote

With the conviction that "the supernatural" as the practice of prophetic gifts can be learned and / or taught, we conduct workshops, seminaries and prophetic conferences and we support Bible schools, leadership teams, and schools of prayer and prophets in different congregations and home groups.


At the same time we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that the lost may be reached and the Kingdom of God spread.

We love people... We love what we do.

God loves you so much more than the gifts, talents and ministry he gave you. He expects the same from you. Wenn du es nicht schaffst, ihn viel mehr zu lieben, als all diese Dinge, dann werden deine Gaben, Talente und Berufung nur eine Störung in deinem Leben. Unser Dienst läuft auf Basis der Beziehung, nicht auf Tätigkeiten und Aktionismus. Wir wollen das Herz unseres Papas teilen, seine Vaterschaft zu verkündigen und dadurch seine Wiederherstellung in der Seele der Menschen bezeugen.

Our Logo speaks precisely of it ...

Springs of Grace began as a result of a concrete charge that we began to carry in the heart. Many Christians stand in two extreme attitudes: Or they are totally disappointed about the prophetic, for having experienced so many scandals and abuses or are "open to everything" and fail to differentiate between healthy spirituality and mysticism.


As soon as the ministry began, a vision of a pure and white heart came. It was the heart of the Father. And from that heart flowed three mighty torrents as an expression of His grace: Acceptance, Forgiveness, and Transformation.


Grace means that God loves us so much, that He accepts us all as we are. But He really loves us so much and so deep, He never leaves us as we are, but He transforms us into a new creation. We are adopted as his children. The real Springs of Grace is in his paternal heart.

One heart for two nations